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Manila's Water Transportation System

Picture of MMDA Personnel Waving at the top of one of the boats for Pasig River Ferry Service at Kalawaan Station.

Photo by: MMDA

Pasig River Ferry Service is a public water transportation service that is based in Metro Manila. Currently, it is the only water-based transportation located in Metro

Manila that sail along Pasig river and Markina river, passing through the cities of Manila.

Makati, Manduloyong, Paig, Marikina, and Taguig.


One of the beauties within Manila is that it has a transportation that voyage along the water of Pasig River and Marikina Rivera. If the government will improve its Water Transport which is the Pasig River Ferry Service, then there’ll come a time that the traffic that are congested in Manila will decrease, and Philippines overall will develop its transportation.

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